Our partner and friend, Prof. Pérez-Ramírez has been annouced today as the recipient of the Royal Society of Chemistry Sustainable Energy Award 2017 winner. The release states: “awarded for discovery of disruptive catalytic technologies for valorization of carbon dioxide and natural gas that can be applied at a practical scale and for the creation of stable single atom precious metal catalyst materials”. As fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), his contributions have already been recognized by several awards, most recently the Otto-Roelen-Medal (2012), the EFCATS Young Researcher Award (2013), and the Beilby Medal and Prize (2014). He serves as Associate Editor of Catalysis Science and Technology, the RSC’s flagship catalysis journal, and as Chair of SwissCat, the Catalysis section of the Swiss Chemical Society.
Additionally, Prof. Pérez-Ramírez is the PI of the ETHZ team participating in a-leaf. We are very proud and happy to have you as a valuable contributor to our artificial photosynthesis project. CONGRATULATIONS, Javier!