by | July 19, 2021
A-LEAF last consortium meeting – Great farewell
Everything good ends… … and our exciting project is not an exception. The last day of June was the day A-LEAF celebrated our last consortium meeting, hosted on-line by University of Messina. ...
by | April 26, 2021
Congratulations to Prof. Marc Koper – one of the 209 ERC-2020 Advanced grantees
Professor Marc Koper, from University of Leiden, has been awarded with a European Reserch Council (ERC) Advanced Grant to develop FRUMKIN – Fundamental Research into Understanding the Molecular st ...
by | January 22, 2021
A-LEAF meets again in the 48 months e-meeting to plan the final months of the project
2020 has been a very challenging year for everyone, including European projects. The consequences of the COVID pandemia, lockdowns and travel restrictions did not allow us to meet in beautiful Laus ...
by | September 24, 2020
‘On the Road to Solar Fuels’ selected as one of the best videos in the 2020 Spotlight video contest
The Future Technology Week is an initiative of the European Innovation Council Pathfinder that features creative contributions from across Europe and beyond with a focus on Future and Emerging Techno ...
by | May 29, 2020
Magalà Lingenfelder talks about the impact of COVID in her lab
Magalà Ligenfelder, our colleague and friend who is leading the work of EPFL in A-LEAF, explains in this interview how the current pandemic crisis and the lockdown of the laboratories is affecting th ...
by | April 2, 2020
Congratulations to Prof. Ulrike Diebolt – one of the 185 ERC Advanced grantees
Professor Ulrike Diebolt, from TU Vienna, has been awarded with a European Reserch Council (ERC) Advanced Grant to develop WatFun - Water at Oxide Surfaces: A Fundamental Approach. The whole A-LEAF co ...