Professor Marc Koper, from University of Leiden, has been awarded with a European Reserch Council (ERC) Advanced Grant to develop FRUMKIN – Fundamental Research into Understanding the Molecular structure of eleKtrochemical INterfaces.
The whole A-LEAF consortium wants to congratulate him on this huge achievement that recognises the impactful contributions of Prof. Koper and his research group in the last 10 years.
In A-LEAF, his research group focuses on the computational modeling of materials, trying to understand the electronic structure of catalysts under reaction conditions and modeling the reactivity of CO2 reduction on CRC surfaces.Â
FRUMKIN, his ERC project, deals with matters that are still not understood: what exactly happens in the boundary layer where the electrode and the solution come into contact?
The A-LEAF consortium wishes you all the best in the development of this exciting new project.